
If you want to create a wishlist of items from web catalogs the best thing to do is provide links to the exact size. Most products are linked to a unique UPC (Universal Product Code) which is a 12 digit number. A UPC is the number which appears below the barcode on most products.

When you select a size/width on a product and put it in a shopping cart the link should be pointing to the UPC. Right-click on the product in the cart and copy the link. If you go to that specific link it should show the product with the correct size and width selected. **

Here are some examples of specific product links for iconic shoes.

Some web sites, such as Amazon, will have different values for the unique items in the shopping basket/cart. The best way to ensure the link is correct is to try it in another browser tab to ensure it displays the correct product.

** Do NOT send a link to the shopping cart since the values in the cart only appear on your computer or phone.

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